Tuesday 7 October 2014

The Ultimate Guide for "Call of Duty" Newbies

Call of Duty Multiplayer Game-play Screenshot (Black Ops)
Are you new to "Call of Duty"? If so, then you will also be new to "Call of Duty" multiplayer, and it is always handy to have tips from a veteran CoD (aka "Call of Duty") player, like myself.

If you are new to CoD, then it would be wise to follow this "ultimate" guide for newbies (like yourself, if you are new to the franchise), sounding a little silly, but trust me, you will be glad to have read this step-by-step guide, once you enter onto CoD multiplayer.

Before starting the run-through, it may be worth mentioning, that no matter which CoD game you own, the guide applies to them all, as every CoD title has a similar gameplay feel, changing in era, quality of graphics and sound, but never changing in the gameplay feel. 

Now, we have covered the basics and the importance for newbies (like yourself) to read this guide, lets get down to business.

Here are '15 steps', in random order, worth remembering and following as you enter onto the online world of CoD, as I'm sure this is the predominant reason for you buying a CoD game. So, here we go.

Step 1 - Go on Combat Training or Single Player Campaign

First things first, getting to grips with the controls, as with all new games, you'll need time to practice moving the character, aiming the guns, throwing grenades, shooting the guns and then combining the moving with the shooting, so that you are at least competent enough to go on the multiplayer battlefield.

After feeling as though you are at ease with the games controls, go online, entering into a multiplayer game, so that you can get to grips with the multiplayer experience. 

Step 2 - Play with Friends

This isn't a must, but certainly helps, especially if the friends you are playing with are veterans on the game, or, at least have a little experience playing the CoD franchise games. Skip this step if you want to go it alone. 

Now, the first thing you'll need to do, to effectively play well with your friends is to get a mic, so that you are able to communicate with your friends. Enter into 'party chat' and organise how you are all going to approach the gameplay, as some like to follow each other around the map, clearing out enemies, and others like to split up into smaller groups to cover a larger part of the map. 

I advice, since you are a newbie on the game and you will be getting to grips with the controls still at this point, to follow your friends around the map, helping them get kills. Don't worry about your k/d (aka kill/death ratio) as it is more important that you focus on the game, getting to grips with the gameplay, the maps and the enemy.

Step 3 - Use Assault Rifles

To begin with, use assault rifles, as they are the easiest guns (in my opinion) to get kills with, being easy to use, having less recoil, having more effective damage on enemy targets, as-well-as being effective in killing at close-range and long-range. 

Some may advise sub-machine guns to start-off with, but my advise is to play it safe with assault rifles, as sub-machine guns are tricky to get kills with at long-range, especially when you are still getting to grips with the controls and fast-paced gameplay, you'll experience on CoD multiplayer.

Step 4 - Use Gun Attachments

After getting kills with a gun, you'll begin to get usable attachments for the gun, making it easier to handles the gun, as typically, before putting attachments on a gun they will have quite a bit of recoil and the iron-sights are never that easy to use.

The follow two gun attachments I will advise you to use, have been the two attachments I have commonly used whilst playing CoD titles on multiplayer. So, I know from first-hand experience just how much-a-difference these attachments make to guns, especially assault rifles and sub-machine guns.

My recommendation to you, is to use:
  1. Red dot sight- depending on the CoD title this is usually the first attachment you will unlock and possibly the most useful. Once you've unlocked the red dot sight attachment, select it, now adding it to your gun, making it far easier to locate enemies through the sight.
  2. Grip (if available)- this attachment will not be available on all guns, but it is especially helpful with assault rifles and shotguns as they both receive a lot of recoil, usually, without it attached. The grip reduces recoil on the gun dramatically, enabling a smoother feel as you attempt to take out the enemy.

Step 5 - Keep Kill-Streaks/Score-Streaks Basic

This should be the first thing you do, when you are able to unlock kill-streaks/score-streaks, as these will be simple to get once you are comfortable eliminating enemies, as the basic streaks take less kills (without dying) to achieve.

My recommendation to you, is to use:
  • UAV (requires 3 kills, without dying)- allows you to see enemies on your mini-map (located in the corner of your screen) highlighted as red dots on the map. Note: friendlies are highlighted on the mini-map as green arrows.
  • Care Package (requires 4 kills, without dying)- drops a crate on the spot where you throw the smoke (red), giving you a random reward. Note: don't stand directly on the red smoke, as the crate may fall on you, instantly killing you, and take the contents of the crate quickly as a lurking friendly or enemy may steal it.
  • Predator missile (requires 5 kills, without dying)- allows you to control a predator missile, bringing it down from the sky onto any point on the map in which you desire, hopefully killing enemies. Note: be careful not to bring the missile down onto yourself as this will kill you and pick your targets quickly before enemies run into the safety of buildings.

Step 6 - Use the 'Newbie' Perks

There is no such thing as the newbie perks, by the way. But, these perks are certainly perfect for those who are new to the CoD games, to use on multiplayer. 

No matter how good CoD players get, these are the most desired perks on the CoD multiplayer, including the following which I still use to this very day on CoD games.

My recommendation to you, is to use:
  • Strength perk or extreme conditioning (depending on the CoD title)- the strength perks give you an extra amount of health, making it that bit harder for enemy players to kill you. Or, use extreme conditioning, enabling you to run 'non-stop' around the map, useful, as it allows you to get across the map quicker to the enemy.
  • Quick reload- reloads guns quicker, being extremely helpful when there is an enemy shooting you, or you are crowded by enemies and need to reload your gun.
  • UAV jammer- prevents the enemy from seeing you or your team-mates while active, giving your team the upper hand as the enemy falls into confusion. 

Step 7 - Play on 'Team Deathmatch'

You don't have to play on this game type, but I would certainly advise using this for a while, as usually it is the less experienced and less skilled CoD players who play on 'team deathmatch'.

This will help you to get to grips with the CoD multiplayer experience, learning the techniques, weapons, perks and kill-streaks which work best for you. This can then be used when you feel ready to take your newly gathered experience into new game types, having more objectives than to simply kill enemy players on the opposing team, although, this will still be an objective in all game types.

Step 8 - Don't be Afraid to Stray Away From your Team

Moving onto gameplay, it is important not to be afraid to stray away from your team, as this can usually result in yourself getting the most kills. How? By allowing your team to go a different way to yourself, they will work as a distraction for the enemy, allowing you to sneak behind enemy lines, shooting the enemy in the back. This method can at times, if you are brave enough and are having a good game, to kill the entire enemy team. 

If this is a tactic you are thinking about using, then make sure you have the right perks, guns, and score-streaks to do this effectively.

My recommendation to you, is to use:
  • Perks- Ghost/silence (allowing your footsteps to be silent), lightweight (move quicker) and extreme conditioning ('non-stop' running).
  • Guns- assault rifles, sub-machine guns, or even shotguns. Note: add the silencer attachment to these guns so that the enemy cannot hear where you are shooting from or see where you are on the mini-map as you begin firing your weapon.
  • Score-streaks- UAV (shows the enemies location on the mini-map), Counter UAV (blocks enemy UAV so the enemy are blind, as to where your team is on the mini-map) and predator missile (controllable missile).

Step 9 - Move Around the Map, Slowly

What's the hurry? It is smart, that if you want to live longer in a match, that you take it slow, clearing areas of the map, as you kill the enemy. As otherwise, you will run into the enemy, losing the fire-fight immediately, as you didn't have enough time to shoot them.

Especially, when you are a newbie on the CoD game, since the players you are going up against are likely to have more skill with the guns, than you have. So, it is important to take it slow around the map, at least for a while, using walls, pillars, cars, rubble, bins, trucks, etc. for cover as you move around the map, giving you the upper hand if an enemy player was to run around the corner into your sights.

Step 10 - Use Explosives and Side-Arms

This may not be the first thing that you think of using as you enter into a multiplayer match, but they can be the difference between life and death, at times. So, don't ignore or forget about the explosives that you have at your disposal, as they are some of the easiest kills you will ever receive on the game. 

Firstly, ensure that you have equipped grenades (or sticky grenades) and during multiplayer matches, use them to clear out rooms and to blow up cars, as these may just get you a few easy kills. 

Secondly, equip tactical grenades, such as the flash-bang or stun grenade, being highly effective in a fire-fight as they will stun or flash the enemy for a short amount of time, giving you the golden opportunity to get an easy kill. The flash and stun grenades are also useful as an alternative way of clearing out rooms, but once thrown in a room, you will need to go follow the flash or stun, shooting any enemy who awaits in the room. Note: flash and stun grenades can also kill enemies if they directly hit them, sometimes.

Step 11 - Aim Around Corners

You may read about this or hear certain CoD players call this tactic, newbie to use, but remember you are a newbie and they wouldn't think twice about aiming around corners themselves if they felt the need to.

To do this, simply aim down the guns sight and walk around the corner of a building, wall, room, or what ever object you are currently stood behind. This will prove effective if an enemy lurks behind the object where you are aiming your gun towards, improving your chances of eliminating them.

Step 12 - Go Prone More Often (or Crouch)

This is an underused ability in my opinion, as it is effective in keeping enemies unaware of your whereabouts until it is too late and they are dead. Try to go prone in grass or behind an object as this will prove a handy trick to get a few easy and sometimes funny kills.

Crouching is also effective, so if you are moving around a corner for instance, crouch down, allowing a more efficient clear-out of anything or anyone which may be hiding around the corner.

Step 13 - Camp in Corners

Again, this is something which certain CoD players may advise against, as it is supposedly a newbie thing to do, but remember, you are a newbie. Plus, it is something everyone does at some point or another, despite most of these players being so against it, yet, most do not mind using the tactic themselves. 

I say "camp in corners", as most enemy players will not expect you to be hiding there, making it more likely for you to get a few easy kills without much effort. The more strange the corner where you are hiding, the more likely that you will get a kill hiding there, which is something worth taking note of.

Step 14 - Screen Goes "Red" or a Grenade is Thrown at You

When your screen goes "red", after being shot one too-many times, or a grenade is thrown at you, duck down behind a solid object. This will give you time to replenish your health, if you were shot, and if a grenade was thrown at you, then hopefully you were able to avoid the grenades explosion. Note: never try to pick up a grenade which is thrown at you, as they explode too quickly.

Step 15 - Drop-Shot and Quick-Scope

Finally, performing the drop-shot and the quick-scope. What is a drop-shot? Well, a drop-shot is whereby you approach an enemy, then quickly, going prone in-front of them, shoot the gun at the same time. This is an effective way to win gun-fights, as the enemy will have less chance to shoot you, as they become confused by how quickly this technique sees them with one more death.

If you would like to drop-shot as a technique you use in games, then I would advise practising in a private match first, so that you are able to get used to clicking the prone button whilst firing the gun at the same time. I'd advise aiming at an object whilst practising, so that you get used to aiming during this process. 

It will be frustrating to begin with, as you drop-shot in live multiplayer matches, but once you get the hang of it, this will be another technique for you to use in multiplayer.

How to kill those who drop-shot? Well, you could try using drop-shot yourself against these players, or, you could simply be careful as you move around the map, using cover, to make it difficult for the enemy players to use this technique in killing you.

What is a quick-scope? A quick-scope is done by using a sniper rifle, running around the map, typically killing enemies at close to medium range, whilst quickly aiming in and out of the site as you kill the enemy. Sounds hard? At first, it is. But after practise, this becomes easier and an additional fun way to get kills with sniper rifles. Again, if this is a technique you'd like to use in multiplayer matches, then practise in private matches first, playing against friends or alone shooting at objects (although, better practising with friends in a private match).

How to kill those who quick-scope? Well, this is simple and this is hard, as it all depends on how skilled the player is at quick-scoping, as if they are only average, then you can simply spray them with an assault rifle or a sub-machine gun. However, on-the-other-hand, if the quick-scoping player is skilled at the technique, then the best method to kill them, is to either use a shotgun, or to move slowly around the map, using cover to make it harder for quick-scoping players to kill you.


I hope this post has helped all of you CoD newbies to gain a better understanding of what is required when first playing CoD multiplayer. All of these steps are guaranteed to help make the CoD experience easier and in the long-run, possibly even form you into the most skilled CoD player to ever play the CoD franchise.

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