Sunday 5 October 2014

Should I Buy the PS4? - Pros and Cons

PS4 (controller)

Sony's answer to the next-gen console, the Playstation 4, but should you buy one?

I've recently written a post for the Xbox One controller, listing the pros and cons for the console. So, I decided to do the same for the PS4, again, listing the pros and cons.

The PS4 is advertised and promoted as being the console 'for the gamers', being a fair point, considering the PS4 is a gaming machine.

Although, the PS4 is an entertainment device, allowing its users to watch TV, movies, listen to music, connect with friends, and of course, play games.

I felt prompted to create these lists, highlighting the pros and cons for the next-gen consoles, as the festive period is almost among us again, and on a lot of peoples wish-lists for Christmas this year, is a next-gen console.

But which console do you buy?

Well, that is precisely what these pros and cons lists are aimed at helping with, so you can safely analyse your options, finding the perfect console for you, meeting your every need.

One things for sure, the PS4 is a worthy console, rivalling the Xbox One very well, matching nearly every aspect of their rivals console. Although, there are the good points about the PS4, and then there are its bad points. So, here they are.


  • The game exclusives - The PS4 shines with its enlightening selection of game exclusives, giving more reason to purchase this console over its rivals. The list includes Infamous: First Light, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (2015), The Last of Us: Remastered, etc.
  • The most powerful next-gen console - Most PS4 games are running at 1080p, whereas a lot of these same titles on the Xbox One are running in the classic 720p, giving the PS4 a performance upside. However, Xbox One will more-than likely bring these games up-to-date matching the PS4 specs.
  • Cheaper (than Xbox One) - The Xbox One has closed the gap, costing about the same amount as the PS4 and on Amazon at the moment they are charging approximately £330. But the Sony Playstation 4 camera costs about £37 at Amazon, whereas the Xbox One's Kinect camera sensor costs about £125 at Amazon. Giving you a whopping £82 saving, giving you the spare cash to buy a couple more games.
  • Slim design - The PS4 has a sleek design, looking like pure beauty, so if you want a good-looking console which will blend in nicely on your entertainment unit, then this may be the console for you.
  • Innovative controller - The PS4's Dual-shock 4 controller is amazing, looking and feeling great to use. That isn't the best bit, as the PS4's controller also has a working screen in the middle of it, allowing you to send your gameplay to friends for them to help you on difficult parts. Admit it guys, we have all encountered a difficult part in a game, we simply couldn't do. Now, you can send it to a friend to do for you.


  • Missing TV simplicity - I am referring to the fact that the PS4 does not allow you to rid "input" switching or to move between gaming on the console and watching TV on the cable box. So, if this is what you want, then you'd be better off buying the Xbox One, as that console does all of those things.
  • I have the Xbox 360, not the PS3- Then you'll have to restart all of your achievements, no longer gathering gamer-score, but instead, you'll be gathering trophy's. Not to mention, if your friends are on Xbox LIVE, then you'll no longer be able to connect with them, since you'll now be using the PSN (Playstation network).
  • Still pricey- Sadly, like the Xbox One, you'll have to pay a hefty price tag in order to purchase the PS4, costing approximately £330, similar to the price of the Xbox One. Not including the Playstation Plus 12 month subscription (to access the internet, to play online), costing about £35 and if you want the Playstation 4 camera, then this will cost about £37.
  • Can't play PS3 games on the PS4, so don't throw away your last-gen (PS3) console, as you'll be unable to play your favourite PS3 games without it.
  • Happy with your PS3 or Xbox 360 - Then why not save the money, leaving your bank accounts £330 larger, and make full use of the Xbox 360 or PS3 for a little while longer. Give it 6 more months to a year, and the PS4 and Xbox One will come down price again, making it more affordable in price. Plus, the PS3 and Xbox 360 have all the necessities, including all the latest games, Netflix, Amazon Prime instant video stream, Blinkbox, and Sky Now access. 

Overall, the PS4 is a worthy next-gen console, taking the performance and experience to a whole new level, concerning the gameplay and the entire entertainment system it provides. 

This console will sit comfortably in peoples homes, offering all of your entertainment needs, pleasing the whole family. Its sleek design looks a beauty and the interior is just as beautiful, so if Sony's Playstation 4 is the brand for you, then you're in for a treat.

I hope this article has been helpful and useful, in helping you decide whether or not the PS4 is the console for you, as it is important that you know all the facts before purchasing the console, especially due to the high price tag attached to the product.

If you have any thoughts or questions concerning the article, or anything in general, then please drop a comment in the comments section below.

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