Sunday 19 October 2014

The "Call of Duty" Therapy Treatment

Playing video-games keeps stress away
and your mojo intact

That's right, "Call of Duty" can help with stress, anxiety and boredom. Whenever I'm feeling stressed-out or anxious, I play a bit of "Call of Duty" (a video-game franchise) on multiplayer, eliminating a few enemies as it always relaxes me and gives me a bit of inner peace.

Feeling stressed a lot? Don't like meditating? Like playing video-games? ...Well, why not play a "Call of Duty" game on multiplayer.

Benefits of playing "Call of Duty"

For starters, "Call of Duty" is the best selling first-person shooter franchise of all time, due to its vast entertainment, moving beyond the average, mediocre online gameplay which you get with most video-games. Having been a "Call of Duty" fan now for some years as well as a first-person shooter (video-games) fan, I have noticed that by playing "Call of Duty" for a half-an-hour each day, I feel far less stressed than when I am not playing the game at all.

I believe this is because of the ongoing battle you are constantly in, as enemy players online are always keeping you on your toes, as you make attempts to kill them.

Playing "Call of Duty" multiplayer is also a great let-out as you are able to kill a few enemies, and as you do this, in a virtual environment, some how, you begin to feel far better. This could just be me, but I'm sure it would be, or is, the same for you too.

Not to mention, "Call of Duty" multiplayer is one of the most intense and fun games that you could ever play on a first-person shooter game, since it is fast-paced and requires your undivided attention to do well.

Connecting with friends, without the need to speak face-to-face or by using social media (which can be a pain at times)... This is why "Call of Duty" is great, as the multiplayer mode is all about teamwork, so if you have friends who are also into first-person shooters and have the same games console as you, or even a PC, then this can be a great way to talk to friends and have fun playing video-games at the same time.

Great to play alone, too. "Call of Duty" multiplayer is also great to simply play alone as well, since the multiplayer mode does not require you to play with friends in order to have fun because by playing solo you can focus primarily on the gameplay and eliminate some enemies by yourself.

Back to the therapy...

A perfect way to remain calm when anxious or stressed, for me, is by playing "Call of Duty", which may sound like a strange way to keep your mojo on level, but it works for me. Bringing me to my point, that if you have fun playing video-games, not just ""Call of Duty", then why not test playing "Call of Duty" to see if it works for you too. However, it may be that a different video-game works better for you, but the point I am trying to make, is that by simply playing video-games, your stress levels and anxiety may decrease by simply clicking a few buttons on a games controller.

Could it be any simpler?

Do you play Call of Duty? If so, do you feel that by playing Call of Duty, multiplayer, that you feel less stressed? Or, do you have the opposite effect, feeling more stressed when playing Call of Duty? ...Leave your answer in the comments section below.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Zombies Confirmed for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Classic Zombies Level Strikes (As Shown Above)

Yes, that's right guys, "zombies" has been confirmed for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.

How do I know there's going to be "zombies" in "Advanced Warfare"?

Well, an image has been leaked, showing an "Advanced Warfare" achievement for the game, showing "zombies" in the title being a huge indicator that there will be "zombies" in "Advanced Warfare".

Sadly, I don't have any other facts to share, concerning "zombies" for "Advanced Warfare", but from the leaked image alone, it is highly suspect-full that there will be an additional co-op mode for "Advanced Warfare", which if it does come to pass, will be announced later this month at the end of October, or early November before the release of "Advanced Warfare".

Again, this is majority-wise, based on the fact of the image leak, as-well-as earlier showings that there could be "zombies" on "Advanced Warfare", since Sledgehammer Games had shown a special controller with the classic zombie level strikes, which was a huge clue that there may be a "zombies" co-op mode in "Advanced Warfare".

This is something I'm really excited to see in "Advanced Warfare", as I adored the "zombies" co-op game mode in previous CoD titles, and would love to play it again this year in a fresh CoD title.

A short post, I know guys, but I just had to share this new development with you guys, so I hope this post has left some thoughts lingering in your minds.

If you'd like to leave any thoughts or questions, then please drop them in the comments section below.

Do you think that "zombies" will be returning on "Advanced Warfare"? Are you anticipating the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare release? ...Leave your answer in the comments box below.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Top 25 Call of Duty Multiplayer Maps

Today, I'm taking an in-depth look at the all-time best Call of Duty maps, spread across all of the Call of Duty franchise titles, from Call of Duty 4, up until the present.

Here's a showcase of the maps I believe to be the best, from my personal experiences playing the Call of Duty games on the iconic multiplayer game mode.

Top 25 CoD Maps:

#25: Warhawk (Call of Duty: Ghosts)

A map well-known on CoD: Ghosts, being medium sized with a street surrounded with buildings, enabling gameplay to be a little more tactical than simply running out into the open, hoping for a kill. Although, I'm sure many of you will have done this, as I know I sure have on occasion. But I like to be a little bit more tactically minded, using building to move around the map, clearing out the enemy.

Sadly, this is the only CoD: Ghosts map to make it onto the list, due to "Ghosts" having relatively descent maps, but none other than "Warhawk" which stand out.

#24: Shipment (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, aka CoD 4)

The close quarters map, ensuring everyone gets a taste of chaos at its up-most worst. Great for using shotguns and submachine guns, however, dying is inevitable on this map.

I have had some of my highest kills in a match on "Shipment" as I'm sure you yourself have. It's without a doubt the nuttiest map the Call of Duty franchise has offered us on multiplayer, so far.
#23: Courtyard (Call of Duty: World at War)

Back when CoD: World at War was the hit CoD game, there was "Courtyard", the map where everyone hides in the grass, on walls, behind walls, and pretty much anywhere people can hide. 

Although, still a brilliant map, where fun is to be had by all, no matter what skill level you have on the Call of Duty games. It is a medium sized map, so it is big enough to wonder around, but not too big, that it takes forever finding an enemy to eliminate.

#22: Bloc (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, aka CoD 4)

CoD 4 had it all, generally speaking, especially when it came to the multiplayer game mode, as it started the franchise off on a whole new level of expectations from its fans. "Bloc" was a large map, offering the perfect opportunity for snipers to get some quick and easy kills.

A wide-open courtyard in the middle of the map with apartment blocks around the sides of the map, allowing those with shotguns, assault rifles and close to medium encounter weapons, to get some kills. Whilst allowing those with snipers to take cover somewhere behind a wall or another unexposed position to get some kills across the map.

#21: Hangar (Call of Duty: World at War)

The perfect map, as it is all-out warfare, on a medium sized map, big enough for players to snipe, yet still enough cover and buildings for those with machine guns to move around the map, getting kills.

The shape and design of the map is intensely satisfying to immerse yourself into, making it a map on "World at War" to look forward to playing on.

#20: Favela (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2)

This is everybody's sniping map when it comes to CoD: Modern Warfare 2, as the amount of people opting to snipe on this map is unbelievable.

Although, it is great for those using machine guns as there are buildings placed in the middle of the map to move in and out of. That being said, shotgun users will have a blast, as the buildings are tightly squeezed together in the middle of the map, making it easy to get close to the enemy, popping off a few shotgun shells at them.

#19: Firing Range (Call of Duty: Black Ops)

CoD: Black Ops was an interesting game, as it was Treyarch's follow-up from CoD: World at War, making it an intriguing game to play. Set during the Vietnam war, the maps certainly reflect this, offering a lot of jungle and strangely laid out maps.

However, "Firing Range" is a refreshingly different map, more than easy enough to get a few quick and easy kills on. The map is medium sized, easy to place yourself, finding the enemy quickly, allowing the battles to commence rather swiftly.

#18: Turbine (Call of Duty: Black Ops 2)

CoD: Black Ops 2 has presented CoD fans with more than a few great maps, well-worth playing. "Turbine" being one of these maps worth playing, as it is a large map, allowing players to use snipers with ease and those using assault rifles can more-than easily enough get to grips on the map.

#17: Wasteland (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2)

"Wasteland" is a large map on CoD: Modern Warfare 2 and is the ultimate map for snipers, as the map is perfectly open, offering few buildings for the enemy to hide, enabling snipers to easily get their targets in sight.

#16: Dome (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3)

CoD: Modern Warfare 3 was a delight for CoD fans, as Infinity Ward brought to fans a medium sized map called "Dome", more than simple enough to manoeuvre around, getting those all-so important kills.

Plenty of cover, if you need to take cover from air strikes or grenades and the layout makes it extremely simple to find the enemy.
#15: Hijacked (Call of Duty: Black Ops 2)

The design of the "Hijacked" map on CoD: Black Ops 2 is one most CoD fans adore, as the spawning spots are more than predictable, as there are only two, being one on one end of the boat and then the other being on the other end of the boat.

The battles are brilliant, as most players go to the middle of the map to have a shoot-out, making it an interesting map to take pursuit in killing the opposing players on the enemy team. Also, interesting that they decided to locate a map on a boat again, as we haven't seen a map on a boat, since CoD 4.

#14: Showdown (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, aka CoD 4)

The brilliant thing about this medium sized map, called "Showdown" on CoD 4, is that has a simple layout making it as simple as walking forward to get into the battle.

The middle of this map is a dangerous place to be, as the enemy are likely lurking above in the upstairs corridors, looking down with guns blazing.

#13: Highrise (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2)

A great medium sized map, although there has always been the tendency for players to attempt to spawn kill, as the map is extremely easy for doing this.

However, when there isn't much spawn killing happening, this is one of the more active maps to play on CoD: Modern Warfare 2, as the middle of the map is the perfect place to locate yourself, possibly on the helicopter pad, as it is a great place to shoot from, as the enemy team will be coming out of the buildings, giving you the perfect line of sight, to eliminate them.

#12: Crossfire (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, aka CoD 4)

Again, a ground map for sniping, as the road runs down the middle of the map, attracting the enemy to run down it, giving snipers the perfect opportunity to get a few easy kills.

Although, for machine gunners, the buildings around the perimeter of the map offer the ability to get some close to medium encounter kills, to get ahead on the leader-board.

#11: Crash (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, aka CoD 4)

CoD 4 multiplayer may be the best CoD ever, due to its multiplayer game mode, offering more excitement than any other first-person shooter game. Even today, CoD 4 is extremely fun to play and "Crash" is by far, one of the best maps on the game. 

"Crash" is a medium sized map with a crashed helicopter in the middle of the map and buildings plotted around the sides of the map. The buildings are great places to snipe from, also offering the perfect cover to hide from and eliminate enemy players.

#10: Rust (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2)

CoD 4's answer to a close quarter map, being a small sized map with an obstacle in the middle of the map, allowing players to take cover from the onslaught taking place between the two opposing teams.

A great map for using shotguns, submachine guns and explosives, to get a few simple kills. The feel of the map is exciting, as it is nice and easy to find the enemy, without having to move too far.

#09: Dome (Call of Duty: World at War)

"Dome" is CoD: World at War's close quarters, small map, enabling players to get closer than ever to get those all-important kills.

Great for using the MP40 (fan favourite assault rifle) or shotguns to eliminate enemy players, as there are hiding places located all around the map. Although, simple enough to weave your way in and out of areas to find and eliminate the enemy.

#08: Overgrown (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, aka CoD 4)

"Overgrown" is another large map on CoD 4, perfectly opened up to use the sniper rifle to take out a few enemies. The house you can see in the picture above is the house in which you are able to get on top of, being one of the brilliant places to snipe from, as it offers enough cover to shoot from.

#07: Bog (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, aka CoD 4)

CoD 4 offers some of the best CoD multiplayer maps we have ever seen and "Bog" is a perfect example, as it has the most opened up line of sight for snipers. The hiding spots are plentiful, but you'll have to be wary as the enemy are never far away, as they sneak around the objects on the map.

#06: Castle (Call of Duty: World at War)

"Castle" is possibly CoD: World at War's best map, as it offers lots of cover for snipers, plenty of areas for machine gunners to take advantage of and use to get closer to the enemy and it just feels great to play on the map.

#05: Scrapyard (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2)

CoD: Modern Warfare 2's most intense medium sized map to play on, as enemy players constantly rush to the other side of the map, looking to get a few easy kills. This would be my advise for players on the game.

#04: Backlot (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, aka CoD 4)

CoD 4 was the perfect game for multiplayer sniping, as a lot of their maps were geared up for the traditional hard-scoping sniper player.

"Backlot" has plenty of buildings to use to your advantage located all around the map, from the sides, then into the middle of the map. Other obstacles and objects are perfect for taking cover behind, although there are a fair few explode-able cars plotted around the map.
#03: Vacant (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, aka CoD 4)

Everyone's favourite CoD 4 map for rushing to the middle and having a shoot-out, due to the simplicity of doing so. The map is located primarily in a large building (one level), although there is an outside to the map, where chaos tends to happen.

Great for using machine guns but not the best map for sniping, unless you're a skilled sniper on CoD.

#02: Terminal (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2)

CoD: Modern Warfare 2's best map by far, "Terminal", due to the well designed building leading outside where players are able to enter onto an aeroplane to have a shoot-out.

This is a feel-good map to play, especially if you have a talent with assault rifles, as it has never been so easy using assault rifles to dominate the match.
#01: Nuketown (Call of Duty: Black Ops) and Nuketown 2025 (Call of Duty: Black Ops 2)

The map we have all been waiting for, the no.1 map to ever make its way onto a CoD title and thankfully we have had two. Although, they are both the same, however ones based in the past and the other in the future. 

The original "Nuketown" map was on CoD: Black Ops and the future (set) "Nuketown 2025" map was on CoD: Black Ops 2, bringing back everyone's favourite close quarters, small sized CoD multiplayer map.

Do you agree that the best CoD multiplayer map is Nuketown? Or, do you believe the best is a completely different map? ...Leave your answer in the comments section below.  

Friday 10 October 2014

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Review

All new single player. All new multiplayer. All new zombies.

This is my second review, here on Trinity Titan News (my little corner of the internet), having chosen to review Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 as I am a huge fan of the game, still playing its multiplayer to this very day. Released on November 13, 2012, CoD: Black Ops 2 was everything everyone wanted from Treyarch, and more...

The Black Ops 'Sequel'

Treyarch played it safe with this title, as they worked-off the success of "Black Ops"(2010) creating this game, the sequel. Not a bad idea, considering "Black Ops" was a great game, having moved forward in time from World War II, heading into a more modern era, set during the Vietnam war, now, in "Black Ops 2", the battles take place in both the future (21st Century, cold war) and during the 80's in a cold war. 

An interesting setting for gamers, taking fans away from their comfort zone and into a futuristic gameplay setting that would surprise and ultimately win-over fans attention, for the better.

This sequel is firmly shocking, as it strays away from what we all remember seeing and playing in "Black Ops", trying to create a whole new experience which is unfamiliar to the CoD fans. I was amongst those surprised by the futuristic edge brought into "Black Ops 2", as like most, I was expecting a modern warfare (only) set game. 

The futuristic side to the game is barely noticeable however, unless you take a better look at the game which you are playing, as there are of course, the drones, the 'Nuketown 2025' map and other futuristic aspects to the game, but to me it still felt like a modern warfare set game, in all.

Single Player Campaign

Treyarch are known for creating great single player campaigns and this is no exception, as it was entertaining with a butt-load of new and exciting missions, you'll want to play over-and-over. All of the same characters make a return from "Black Ops", carrying on from where they left-off, so those who took the campaign mode seriously will be happy.

The general idea to mix modern day warfare (1980's) and futuristic warfare (21st Century) was an ingenious idea, as it was extremely refreshing to feel like the CoD franchise is moving forward, as opposed to backwards.

The element of surprise is always there whilst playing the single player campaign in "Black Ops 2", as you never know quite how they are going to end the story. A fun campaign, anyone into first-person shooters will enjoy, as it isn't anything short of amazing and the gameplay is the best I have ever encountered (as all of the CoD games have been).


"Black Ops 2" has one of the best multiplayer game modes in the CoD franchise, having been gripping from every possible angle. It feels as though they have created the perfect sized maps (small to medium) which make full use of themselves, helping to add to the fun of the game mode.

The guns in "Black Ops 2" multiplayer are amazing, as my personal favourites are the MTAR, SCAR-H and the AN-94, as they can be used with ease and get you those must-have kills.

The perks are brilliant as per usual of a CoD title, offering some personal favourite perks of mine, as I like to use the lightweight, scavenger and extreme conditioning perks which prove to be handy with my style of gameplay on CoD.

The gun attachments are again, up-to-scratch on "Black Ops 2", as all the must-haves are there, including a few I personally like to use, including; red dot sight, grip and the silencer.

Moving around the "Black Ops 2" maps is brilliant, as they are not that big, allowing the gun battles to only ever be a short distance away. Although, I like to have the upper-hand when coming up against enemies, so it is apart of my gameplay tactics, that I move around the edges of the maps to make my attempt at getting the enemy either from the side or the back. Certainly makes playing multiplayer that bit easier and that bit more fun for me to play.

The more obstacles and the more hiding places, the better, as "Black Ops 2" provides just this, as lets be honest, when playing multiplayer, to ensure the match works in your favour, it is never a bad idea to find a key hiding spot to swiftly eliminate the enemy. This sometimes works, but it can sometimes back-fire, causing myself to get more than a couple of deaths, as I attempt to hide but the enemy catch-wind of my plan and hunt me down, inevitably killing me.

'Zombies' Co-Op Mode Returns for its Third Time

A glorious arrival, as always, when Treyarch announced that there will be another 'zombies' co-op mode to anticipate. "Black Ops 2" offers a different kind of 'zombies' co-op mode to the ones we have seen in the past, as it allows the player more options. As players can choose to play survival (within a restricted area, players must kill endless waves of zombies until all players die), or, tranzit mode, allowing players to wonder around a map on a travelling bus, stopping at various locations.

Survival mode is fun, that's for sure, but the restriction in being in one area is a little boring as you are unable to get perks on the bus station map. Although, great for pro-players looking to prove their skills as zombie killers on CoD: Black Ops 2, or for those starting for the first time on the 'zombies' co-op mode, looking to get a bit of practice, killing zombies.

Tranzit mode is awesome, as up to 4 players can wonder around on a travelling bus, getting off at various locations to collect weapons, perks and gathering points by killing zombies along the way. Again, there will be waves of zombies all over the place, attempting to kill you and your team, so make sure to get the juggernaut perk (extra health) and a descent weapon, if you want to survive to a high round.

DLC Packs for "Black Ops 2" (Must Be Bought Separately)

  • Revolution DLC

Includes all new multiplayer maps: Downhill, Hydro, Mirage and Grind.

Includes all new 'zombies' co-op mode map: Die Rise

  • Uprising DLC

Includes all new multiplayer maps: Magma, Encore, Vertigo and Studio.

Includes all new 'zombies' co-op mode map: Mob of the Dead

  • Vengeance DLC

Includes all new multiplayer maps: Cove, Detour, Rush and Uplink.

Includes all new 'zombies' co-op mode map: Buried

  • Apocalypse DLC

Includes all new multiplayer maps: Frost, Pod, Dig and Takeoff.

Includes all new 'zombies' co-op mode map: Origins

I'll just say that the DLC packs for "Black Ops 2" are worth buying as they enhance the experience on multiplayer and on the 'zombies' co-op mode, however I wouldn't advise purchasing any of them unless you play "Black Ops 2" a lot, as you will have more than enough fun playing the game as it is, without the extras.


Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is the perfect sequel for "Black Ops", as it was adventurous in its aims, moving the CoD franchise into a new direction, most would agree the franchise needed to do, in order to keep the CoD fans attention.

The simple fact that I still play the game today, a good two years after its release, should say it all, as since then we have seen the release of Infinity Ward's, Call of Duty: Ghosts (2013) and are soon to see the release of Sledgehammer Games, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (2014). 

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 was released on November 13, 2012 and is available on the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii U and PC.

Do you agree that "Black Ops 2" was the perfect sequel to "Black Ops"? Or, do you think that Treyarch could have done better in delivering a sequel and which aspect of the "Black Ops 2" game bothered you the most; single player, multiplayer, or zombies? ...Leave your answer in the comments section below.

Thursday 9 October 2014

Call of Duty: World at War Review

Back when Call of Duty's multiplayer experience hit a new high

After making the decision today to include reviews on my blog website: Trinity Titan News, I knew the first review had to be for the classic, Call of Duty: World at War, as I have been playing the game a lot lately and its still one of my favourite games of all time. Released on November 14, 2008, this was a game, all CoD (Call of Duty) fans will remember playing, as it was the first Call of Duty game to have the 'zombies' co-op game mode.

Different is Better

Treyarch have been loved ever since the release of Call of Duty: World at War, as they proved they could compete with Infinity Ward's (CoD developer) CoD: Modern Warfare series.

After the excitement CoD fans (including myself) received after playing CoD: Modern Warfare (aka Call of Duty 4) I knew it would be difficult for Treyarch (other CoD developer) to follow, but they have certainly shown they can compete, as "World at War" offers CoD fans a whole new experience.

Even today, "World at War" is looked at by fans of the CoD series as being one of the best CoD games and even first-person shooters ever made. Treyarch certainly offered that bit more than Infinity Ward were offering at the time, since Treyarch added the iconic 'zombies' co-op mode, still being used in Treyarch CoD titles today, including; World at War (of course), Black Ops and Black Ops 2. 

Treyarch had a strong era on their hands, being that of World War II, having been the most spoken about and best-known war to ever happen, making this an important title to get right. This adding more pressure to the titles success, especially since Infinity Ward's Call of Duty 4 raised the bar so high.

Single Player Campaign

Treyarch's "World at War" shocked gamers everywhere on its release, as most CoD fans (at least I believe, most fans) will have set foot onto the single player campaign first and it was a super-fun experience and still is to this very day a great experience playing on the solo campaign.

For the first time, "World at War" allowed gamers to join their friends in playing the campaign, as Treyarch introduced the co-op campaign, enabling up to 4 players to join and play the campaign co-operatively.

The single player campaign really feels like you are in an all-out war, as explosions are going off all around you in the environment, from close and far distances. The authenticity of the single player campaigns environment, was, and still is ground-breaking, feeling so life-like, adding to the fun playing the campaign.

Playing alone, or with friends, the fun to be had playing the campaign is immense. No matter how many times you repeat playing the campaign, the excitement is always the same, emerging you into the gameplay and the cut-scenes which were all-but too entertaining.

The changes in the environment is always a pleasure as the missions change from fighting in the jungle, to suddenly fighting in an open field in a tank, armed to the teeth with explosions. The fun is truly endless, as the experience just gets better and better, the more you play the campaign.

Usually I stray away from doing the highest difficulty setting in story modes and on CoD campaigns, but in "World at War", I felt the strange urge to complete the game on the hardest difficulty, called veteran. Sounds difficult? Well, the name was accurate, as you need to be a veteran CoD player to complete the campaign on veteran difficulty.

I still remember doing the veteran difficulty for the first time and it was a dreadful experience, as it was, and still is extremely easy to be killed. As enemies endlessly throw grenades and put a bombardment of gunfire in your direction, making it a tedious task to achieve each and every mission.

There were, and still are simple tricks to achieve the CoD campaigns (including "World at War's"), which generally includes using cover (i.e. walls, buildings, cars, and even trees, etc.), laying down when the screen goes red after being shot one-too many times and taking it slow around corners, as to not get shot. There are other minor tricks to remember, but that covered the obvious ones.

Another trick to achieving the "World at War" campaign on veteran difficulty would be to do it with 1, 2, or 3 other friends, as this will increase your chances of clearing out the enemy quicker without dying.


The spotlight for CoD games, ever since Call of Duty 4's multiplayer mode, as this presents hours upon hours of endless fun, as you can play with friends, against friends and other players around the world to complete objectives, all with the simple objective to kill the enemy.

"World at War's" multiplayer allows players on certain, larger maps to access tanks, yes tanks, to kill enemies from close and far, being a whole new function, players had never been able to do before.

Treyarch's prestiges and ranks (levels) for "World at War" are typically expected prestiges, having a total of 10, along with 65 levels until the player is able to prestige.

The levels at the time were the highest we had seen in CoD multiplayer, as Call of Duty 4 only had 55 levels until the player was able to prestige. The prestiges however, were still the same as always, at the standard 10.

The multiplayer experience took on a whole new meaning in "World at War" as players were able to wonder endlessly around small, medium and large maps, rather than the usual small to medium maps we still see today in CoD games.

This was the perfect time for a World War II game, as we had just been exposed to the awesomeness of Call of Duty 4, playing in the modern warfare era, leaving us all craving something different and the World War II era was just what CoD fans needed. 

The guns were all new and exciting, including the MP40 and the Thompson assault rifles, being my two favourite guns in the game and probably your favourites as well, I'd imagine.

The perks were all-new and interesting, benefiting players in the multiplayer experience, making it blissfully simple to journey around each multiplayer map, getting those easy and not-so easy kills.

The kill-streaks for the multiplayer game mode were out-of-this-world good at the time of "World at War's" release, as they enabled players to have the recon plane (3 kills), artillery (5 kills) and attack dogs (7 kills), which were extremely satisfying to receive. Although, today's CoD games offer far more choice in kill-streaks (aka score-streaks), providing CoD players a more personal experience, best fitting their style of gameplay.

There are countless reasons why "World at War" had one of the best (if not, the best) multiplayer experience, any CoD game has ever given us before. Another great usable weapon on "World at Wars" multiplayer was the 'flame-thrower' which stands out in my mind whenever I think of "World at War's" multiplayer.

'Zombies' Co-Op Mode

It is impossible to forget the iconic 'zombies' co-op mode which was first put on "World at War", which started the fan following for the 'zombies' co-op game mode on Treyarch's CoD titles.

It all started with the original CoD map, Nacht der Untoten (German for Night of the Undead), playing Nazi zombies, based on the idea of the Nazi army rising up from the dead as mindless 'flesh eating' zombies trying to kill you. It is the job of the player/players to kill wave-after-wave of zombies until the zombies kill all of the players and theoretically the game could last forever if someone is left alive on the map.

Other maps soon followed, as apart of DLC packs, offering new zombie killing experiences there-on allowing players on 'zombies' co-op mode to receive perks, more guns and enter onto larger maps to take on the endless hoards of zombies.

This is an extremely addictive game mode, as certain CoD fans specifically buy CoD games, due to them having the 'zombies' game mode, although sadly only Treyarch currently offer the 'zombies' game mode in their CoD titles.


Call of Duty: World at War is a hard-hitting game, offering a superb single player, multiplayer and 'zombies' co-op mode which have helped reshape the CoD franchise.

I remember "World at War" as being one of the best experiences I have ever had playing a first-person shooter, allowing players to do more than any other CoD game which had come before it. Even today's CoD games seem less enticing to play than "World at War", proving just how great the game was, and still is.

Call of Duty: World at War was released on November 14th, 2008 and is available on the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 2, Nintendo DS and PC.

Do you agree that Call of Duty: World at War was one of the best CoD games ever created? Or, would you go a step further and say that Call of Duty: World at War was the best CoD game ever created? ...Leave your answer in the comments section below.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

No Zombies! ...On Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare | Will there be zombies?
Hi guys, Craig Patrick here and today I will be talking about the possibility that there may be a second co-op mode. Yes, that's right guys, Sledgehammer Games have confirmed there will be the co-op game mode, 'exo-survival', where the survivors (players) must fend off an endless onslaught of exo-skeleton suited people, yes people, not zombies.

No Zombies? It is likely that there will be no zombies in "Advanced Warfare", which is a shame, but then again, 'exo-survival' looks like a lot of fun to play.

For those of you who haven't seen the trailer for the 'exo-survival' co-op mode, it is basically MW3's survival mode, except futuristic. Now, I liked MW3's survival mode, so this is good news for me, but there are a lot of you guys who are annoyed by this, as most of you would prefer a 'zombies' co-op mode. 

It could still happen? Yes, there could still be a 'zombies' co-op mode, but it has not been announced and they have already announced a different co-op mode, being the 'exo-survival' co-op mode.

So, how could there be a 'zombies' co-op mode?

This is purely speculation, but it is plausible that Sledgehammer Games could be releasing a second co-op mode in "Advanced Warfare", as CoD: Ghosts had both the extinction and squad co-op modes, making it possible that "Advanced Warfare" could also have a second co-op mode.

If there was a 'zombies' co-op mode, what would it be like?

If there was a 'zombies' co-op mode in "Advanced Warfare", then it would likely have bionic zombies, as China have recently had a bionic zombies co-op mode released there, but not in America or Europe, causing further speculation and rumours over the possibility that Sledgehammer Games could add this co-op game type to "Advanced Warfare". 

Although, this is only speculation and in no way factual information, as Sledgehammer Games have not officially announced a second co-op mode, nor have they announced a 'zombies' co-op mode for "Advanced Warfare". 

Although, Sledgehammer Games had previously said in developing "Advanced Warfare" that they were listening to what the CoD fans wanted to see in the latest CoD title (being developed by them), causing further speculation that if this was so, then why is it, they did not create a 'zombies' co-op mode.

That being said, it is Treyarch who created the 'zombies' game mode, releasing it in all of their titles since WAW, including Black Ops and Black Ops II. Not that the 'zombies' co-op mode isn't a possibility as it may be the plan, that "Advanced Warfare" has the futuristic bionic (robot) zombies, whilst Treyarch stick to the traditional 'flesh eating' zombies.

All of the Call of Duty developers seem to have their own time era, whereby they set their CoD titles, as Infinity Ward set their CoD titles in modern warfare, Treyarch set their CoD titles in the past, and the latest CoD developer, Sledgehammer Games, sets their CoD titles in the future.

Rumours about 'zombies' on "Advanced Warfare"

It has been widely speculated on the internet for a few months now, since the bionic zombies co-op mode was released in China, that it would be likely for Sledgehammer Games to add the co-op mode to "Advanced Warfare", however, Sledgehammer Games have not made any announcements for a 'zombies' co-op mode.

Due to the long time Sledgehammer Games have been developing "Advanced Warfare", it has been spoken about countless amounts of times on the internet, that it is likely they will have created 2 co-op modes to keep CoD fans entertained, increasing the chances of people buying the game.


After close consideration of the information we have currently been given by Sledgehammer Games, we now know for sure that there will be the 'exo-survival' co-op mode. As for the possibility of a 'zombies' co-op mode, we will just have to wait and see.

If there is to be a second co-op mode, then it is likely that they would wait until a week before the release of "Advanced Warfare", since they will want to get CoD fans overjoyed for its releases, ensuring fans have the game fresh in their minds on its release.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is set to release to the public on 4th November, 2014 on the Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4 and PC.

Do you think there will be a second co-op mode for "Advanced Warfare"? Do you think this second co-op mode will be 'zombies'? ...Leave your comments in the comments section below, as it would be interesting to hear your thoughts.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

The Ultimate Guide for "Call of Duty" Newbies

Call of Duty Multiplayer Game-play Screenshot (Black Ops)
Are you new to "Call of Duty"? If so, then you will also be new to "Call of Duty" multiplayer, and it is always handy to have tips from a veteran CoD (aka "Call of Duty") player, like myself.

If you are new to CoD, then it would be wise to follow this "ultimate" guide for newbies (like yourself, if you are new to the franchise), sounding a little silly, but trust me, you will be glad to have read this step-by-step guide, once you enter onto CoD multiplayer.

Before starting the run-through, it may be worth mentioning, that no matter which CoD game you own, the guide applies to them all, as every CoD title has a similar gameplay feel, changing in era, quality of graphics and sound, but never changing in the gameplay feel. 

Now, we have covered the basics and the importance for newbies (like yourself) to read this guide, lets get down to business.

Here are '15 steps', in random order, worth remembering and following as you enter onto the online world of CoD, as I'm sure this is the predominant reason for you buying a CoD game. So, here we go.

Step 1 - Go on Combat Training or Single Player Campaign

First things first, getting to grips with the controls, as with all new games, you'll need time to practice moving the character, aiming the guns, throwing grenades, shooting the guns and then combining the moving with the shooting, so that you are at least competent enough to go on the multiplayer battlefield.

After feeling as though you are at ease with the games controls, go online, entering into a multiplayer game, so that you can get to grips with the multiplayer experience. 

Step 2 - Play with Friends

This isn't a must, but certainly helps, especially if the friends you are playing with are veterans on the game, or, at least have a little experience playing the CoD franchise games. Skip this step if you want to go it alone. 

Now, the first thing you'll need to do, to effectively play well with your friends is to get a mic, so that you are able to communicate with your friends. Enter into 'party chat' and organise how you are all going to approach the gameplay, as some like to follow each other around the map, clearing out enemies, and others like to split up into smaller groups to cover a larger part of the map. 

I advice, since you are a newbie on the game and you will be getting to grips with the controls still at this point, to follow your friends around the map, helping them get kills. Don't worry about your k/d (aka kill/death ratio) as it is more important that you focus on the game, getting to grips with the gameplay, the maps and the enemy.

Step 3 - Use Assault Rifles

To begin with, use assault rifles, as they are the easiest guns (in my opinion) to get kills with, being easy to use, having less recoil, having more effective damage on enemy targets, as-well-as being effective in killing at close-range and long-range. 

Some may advise sub-machine guns to start-off with, but my advise is to play it safe with assault rifles, as sub-machine guns are tricky to get kills with at long-range, especially when you are still getting to grips with the controls and fast-paced gameplay, you'll experience on CoD multiplayer.

Step 4 - Use Gun Attachments

After getting kills with a gun, you'll begin to get usable attachments for the gun, making it easier to handles the gun, as typically, before putting attachments on a gun they will have quite a bit of recoil and the iron-sights are never that easy to use.

The follow two gun attachments I will advise you to use, have been the two attachments I have commonly used whilst playing CoD titles on multiplayer. So, I know from first-hand experience just how much-a-difference these attachments make to guns, especially assault rifles and sub-machine guns.

My recommendation to you, is to use:
  1. Red dot sight- depending on the CoD title this is usually the first attachment you will unlock and possibly the most useful. Once you've unlocked the red dot sight attachment, select it, now adding it to your gun, making it far easier to locate enemies through the sight.
  2. Grip (if available)- this attachment will not be available on all guns, but it is especially helpful with assault rifles and shotguns as they both receive a lot of recoil, usually, without it attached. The grip reduces recoil on the gun dramatically, enabling a smoother feel as you attempt to take out the enemy.

Step 5 - Keep Kill-Streaks/Score-Streaks Basic

This should be the first thing you do, when you are able to unlock kill-streaks/score-streaks, as these will be simple to get once you are comfortable eliminating enemies, as the basic streaks take less kills (without dying) to achieve.

My recommendation to you, is to use:
  • UAV (requires 3 kills, without dying)- allows you to see enemies on your mini-map (located in the corner of your screen) highlighted as red dots on the map. Note: friendlies are highlighted on the mini-map as green arrows.
  • Care Package (requires 4 kills, without dying)- drops a crate on the spot where you throw the smoke (red), giving you a random reward. Note: don't stand directly on the red smoke, as the crate may fall on you, instantly killing you, and take the contents of the crate quickly as a lurking friendly or enemy may steal it.
  • Predator missile (requires 5 kills, without dying)- allows you to control a predator missile, bringing it down from the sky onto any point on the map in which you desire, hopefully killing enemies. Note: be careful not to bring the missile down onto yourself as this will kill you and pick your targets quickly before enemies run into the safety of buildings.

Step 6 - Use the 'Newbie' Perks

There is no such thing as the newbie perks, by the way. But, these perks are certainly perfect for those who are new to the CoD games, to use on multiplayer. 

No matter how good CoD players get, these are the most desired perks on the CoD multiplayer, including the following which I still use to this very day on CoD games.

My recommendation to you, is to use:
  • Strength perk or extreme conditioning (depending on the CoD title)- the strength perks give you an extra amount of health, making it that bit harder for enemy players to kill you. Or, use extreme conditioning, enabling you to run 'non-stop' around the map, useful, as it allows you to get across the map quicker to the enemy.
  • Quick reload- reloads guns quicker, being extremely helpful when there is an enemy shooting you, or you are crowded by enemies and need to reload your gun.
  • UAV jammer- prevents the enemy from seeing you or your team-mates while active, giving your team the upper hand as the enemy falls into confusion. 

Step 7 - Play on 'Team Deathmatch'

You don't have to play on this game type, but I would certainly advise using this for a while, as usually it is the less experienced and less skilled CoD players who play on 'team deathmatch'.

This will help you to get to grips with the CoD multiplayer experience, learning the techniques, weapons, perks and kill-streaks which work best for you. This can then be used when you feel ready to take your newly gathered experience into new game types, having more objectives than to simply kill enemy players on the opposing team, although, this will still be an objective in all game types.

Step 8 - Don't be Afraid to Stray Away From your Team

Moving onto gameplay, it is important not to be afraid to stray away from your team, as this can usually result in yourself getting the most kills. How? By allowing your team to go a different way to yourself, they will work as a distraction for the enemy, allowing you to sneak behind enemy lines, shooting the enemy in the back. This method can at times, if you are brave enough and are having a good game, to kill the entire enemy team. 

If this is a tactic you are thinking about using, then make sure you have the right perks, guns, and score-streaks to do this effectively.

My recommendation to you, is to use:
  • Perks- Ghost/silence (allowing your footsteps to be silent), lightweight (move quicker) and extreme conditioning ('non-stop' running).
  • Guns- assault rifles, sub-machine guns, or even shotguns. Note: add the silencer attachment to these guns so that the enemy cannot hear where you are shooting from or see where you are on the mini-map as you begin firing your weapon.
  • Score-streaks- UAV (shows the enemies location on the mini-map), Counter UAV (blocks enemy UAV so the enemy are blind, as to where your team is on the mini-map) and predator missile (controllable missile).

Step 9 - Move Around the Map, Slowly

What's the hurry? It is smart, that if you want to live longer in a match, that you take it slow, clearing areas of the map, as you kill the enemy. As otherwise, you will run into the enemy, losing the fire-fight immediately, as you didn't have enough time to shoot them.

Especially, when you are a newbie on the CoD game, since the players you are going up against are likely to have more skill with the guns, than you have. So, it is important to take it slow around the map, at least for a while, using walls, pillars, cars, rubble, bins, trucks, etc. for cover as you move around the map, giving you the upper hand if an enemy player was to run around the corner into your sights.

Step 10 - Use Explosives and Side-Arms

This may not be the first thing that you think of using as you enter into a multiplayer match, but they can be the difference between life and death, at times. So, don't ignore or forget about the explosives that you have at your disposal, as they are some of the easiest kills you will ever receive on the game. 

Firstly, ensure that you have equipped grenades (or sticky grenades) and during multiplayer matches, use them to clear out rooms and to blow up cars, as these may just get you a few easy kills. 

Secondly, equip tactical grenades, such as the flash-bang or stun grenade, being highly effective in a fire-fight as they will stun or flash the enemy for a short amount of time, giving you the golden opportunity to get an easy kill. The flash and stun grenades are also useful as an alternative way of clearing out rooms, but once thrown in a room, you will need to go follow the flash or stun, shooting any enemy who awaits in the room. Note: flash and stun grenades can also kill enemies if they directly hit them, sometimes.

Step 11 - Aim Around Corners

You may read about this or hear certain CoD players call this tactic, newbie to use, but remember you are a newbie and they wouldn't think twice about aiming around corners themselves if they felt the need to.

To do this, simply aim down the guns sight and walk around the corner of a building, wall, room, or what ever object you are currently stood behind. This will prove effective if an enemy lurks behind the object where you are aiming your gun towards, improving your chances of eliminating them.

Step 12 - Go Prone More Often (or Crouch)

This is an underused ability in my opinion, as it is effective in keeping enemies unaware of your whereabouts until it is too late and they are dead. Try to go prone in grass or behind an object as this will prove a handy trick to get a few easy and sometimes funny kills.

Crouching is also effective, so if you are moving around a corner for instance, crouch down, allowing a more efficient clear-out of anything or anyone which may be hiding around the corner.

Step 13 - Camp in Corners

Again, this is something which certain CoD players may advise against, as it is supposedly a newbie thing to do, but remember, you are a newbie. Plus, it is something everyone does at some point or another, despite most of these players being so against it, yet, most do not mind using the tactic themselves. 

I say "camp in corners", as most enemy players will not expect you to be hiding there, making it more likely for you to get a few easy kills without much effort. The more strange the corner where you are hiding, the more likely that you will get a kill hiding there, which is something worth taking note of.

Step 14 - Screen Goes "Red" or a Grenade is Thrown at You

When your screen goes "red", after being shot one too-many times, or a grenade is thrown at you, duck down behind a solid object. This will give you time to replenish your health, if you were shot, and if a grenade was thrown at you, then hopefully you were able to avoid the grenades explosion. Note: never try to pick up a grenade which is thrown at you, as they explode too quickly.

Step 15 - Drop-Shot and Quick-Scope

Finally, performing the drop-shot and the quick-scope. What is a drop-shot? Well, a drop-shot is whereby you approach an enemy, then quickly, going prone in-front of them, shoot the gun at the same time. This is an effective way to win gun-fights, as the enemy will have less chance to shoot you, as they become confused by how quickly this technique sees them with one more death.

If you would like to drop-shot as a technique you use in games, then I would advise practising in a private match first, so that you are able to get used to clicking the prone button whilst firing the gun at the same time. I'd advise aiming at an object whilst practising, so that you get used to aiming during this process. 

It will be frustrating to begin with, as you drop-shot in live multiplayer matches, but once you get the hang of it, this will be another technique for you to use in multiplayer.

How to kill those who drop-shot? Well, you could try using drop-shot yourself against these players, or, you could simply be careful as you move around the map, using cover, to make it difficult for the enemy players to use this technique in killing you.

What is a quick-scope? A quick-scope is done by using a sniper rifle, running around the map, typically killing enemies at close to medium range, whilst quickly aiming in and out of the site as you kill the enemy. Sounds hard? At first, it is. But after practise, this becomes easier and an additional fun way to get kills with sniper rifles. Again, if this is a technique you'd like to use in multiplayer matches, then practise in private matches first, playing against friends or alone shooting at objects (although, better practising with friends in a private match).

How to kill those who quick-scope? Well, this is simple and this is hard, as it all depends on how skilled the player is at quick-scoping, as if they are only average, then you can simply spray them with an assault rifle or a sub-machine gun. However, on-the-other-hand, if the quick-scoping player is skilled at the technique, then the best method to kill them, is to either use a shotgun, or to move slowly around the map, using cover to make it harder for quick-scoping players to kill you.


I hope this post has helped all of you CoD newbies to gain a better understanding of what is required when first playing CoD multiplayer. All of these steps are guaranteed to help make the CoD experience easier and in the long-run, possibly even form you into the most skilled CoD player to ever play the CoD franchise.

Was this post helpful? ...Please leave your answer in the comments section below, as I love to hear from you guys, as it is important to me that I offer useful and helpful information.

If you have any thoughts or questions regarding the post, or anything in general, then please drop a comment in the comments section below.